Atlas Ellebye Advokater
Østre Stationsvej 43,
5000 Odense C
Number of employees in Denmark: 10-50.
Corporate website:
Contact persons
Niels Gorm Larsen
Direct number: +45 6332 3271
Mobile number: +45 2590 8040
E-mail address:
Company competencies and services
Area of business
Main competencies
Full service legal assistance to investors and corporations considering to invest in or acquire existing companies based in Odense or considering to establish business in Odense.
Description of products and services
- Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A)
- Corporate and Commercial Law
- Commercial Contracts
- Employment and Labour Law
- IPR (Intellectual Property Rights)
- Real Estate
- Dispute resolution
- Insolvency law and restructuring
Experience with assisting foreign establishments in Denmark
We have assisted investors and corporations within a wide range of business fields and set-ups.
Company presence in Denmark
In which countries is your company represented
Language Skills
Danish, English