
Munkehatten 1 B,
5220 Odense SØ

Number of employees in Denmark: 1000+
Corporate website:

Contact persons

Henrik Welinder
Direct phone: +45 6315 4900
E-mail address:

Jacob Pedersen
Direct phone: +45 6315 4993
E-mail address:

Company competencies and services

Area of business

Accounting and accounting service, Company administration, Consulting service.

Main competencies

State Authorized Public Accountants.

  • Auditing
  • Accounting services
  • Tax advice and planning
  • International tax advice
  • IT consulting
  • Business services
  • Corporate finance
  • Financial advice

Description of products and services

Auditing is not just a matter of authorising annual accounts/reports or other accounting statements and certifying compliance with legal requirements. The result of an audit is just as important.
Often it will lead to recommendations and good advice, better results, greater financial security for the company and its owners, or more efficient administration.
Top quality service is our highest priority.

Accounting services
Compilation of annual accounts is only one part of our accountancy services. Periodic accounts, budget controls and accounts analysis also help provide our clients with a clear picture of their financial position.
We also draft alternative forms of accounts such as Knowledge Audits and Environmental Reports.

Tax advice and planning
Our services include compilation of taxable income and assistance in tax cases and negotiations with the tax authorities.
This helps make sure that the tax burden is no higher than it should be and that our clients have a partner who provides competent and serious opposition to the authorities in potentially difficult tax cases.
Tax advice and planning guarantee the best possible tax conditions for your company,

Experience with assisting foreign establishments in Denmark

Beierholm Odense’s international clients:
Paratech A/S, Basys IT-Service, Bbl Manpower ApS, EUROPTEN, Cabinplant A/S, Lemken, AC plc, OK Skandinavien ApS

Company presence in Denmark

Beierholm has 29 offices in Denmark

In which countries is your company represented

Beierholm has several international business partners and is thus represented worldwide

Language Skills
