Business Contact Odense

Nørregade 36-38
5000 Odense C
Phone: +45 6551 6300

Number of employees in Denmark: 10-50
Corporate website:

Contact persons

Anette Pihl Nielsen
Direct number: +45 2933 5433

Erhvervskontakten – Hotline
Direct number: +45 6551 6300

Company competencies and services

Area of business

Real estate, Recruitment, Relocation service.

Main competencies

Business Contact Odense can help you with:

  • move your business to Odense
  • major rebuilding or extension
  • recruit new employees
  • find the latest market analyzes

Description of products and services

The proper location
Business Contact Odense helps business to find the right premises or the most suitable plot of land. Business Contact Odense work with the city’s network of real estate agents and can easily give an overview of the options available to meet your requirements and needs.

Quick and targeted responses
Business Contact Odense supplies a quick and targeted responses. For example, questions about permits in relation to building a new head office, or the procedures of case handlings and what factors you should be aware of the process.

Get associated with one contact
You are always associated with one contact person who follows your company throughout the process, not matter what challenges your business faces.

Experience with assisting foreign establishments in Denmark

Company presence in Denmark


In which countries is your company represented


Language Skills

Danish, German, Engelsk, Albansk.