Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab
Tværkajen 5,
5000 Odense C
Number of employees in Denmark: 1000+
Corporate website:
Contact persons
Bo Damgaard Hansen
Direct number: +45 5140 7955
E-mail address:
Company competencies and services
Area of business
Accounting and accounting service, Consulting service.
Main competencies
• Audit
• Tax
• Global Business Tax
• Global Employer Services
• Digital transformation
• Risk Advisory
• Cyber Security
• Consulting
• Strategy and Operations
• Human Capital
• Corporate Finance Services
Description of products and services
Audit is about much more than just the numbers. It’s about attesting to accomplishments and challenges, and helping to assure strong foundations for future aspirations. Deloitte illuminates the what, how, and why of change so you’re always ready to act ahead. In Denmark, Deloitte is trusted advisor for more than 26,000 Companies, making us Market leader.
Financial Advisory
Deloitte member firms provide advisory services around M&A transactions, restructurings, raising capital, and forensic investigations. Member firms also offer multi-situational capabilities including business modeling, Public Private Partnerships, and infrastructure advisory & valuations.
Innovation, transformation and leadership occur in many ways. At Deloitte, our ability to help solve clients’ most complex issues is distinct. We deliver strategy and implementation, from a business and technology view, to help you lead in the markets where you compete.
Risk Advisory
Leading organizations understand that risk is a source of competitive advantage. By managing risk, more effectively these organizations unleash their full potential, creating and protecting value for all of their stakeholders.
Experience with assisting foreign establishments in Denmark
Will be added soon
Company presence in Denmark
Deloitte is represented in 19 locations in Denmark, including 1 location in Greenland. In Scandinavia Deloitte is located in as much as 69 Cities.
In which countries is your company represented
Deloitte network of Member Firms are located in more than 150 Countries around the world.
Language Skills
We speak English, Scandinavian, and can help in other languages as well.
Please contact us for further information.