Morningscore aps
Lumbyvej 19B
5000, Odense C
Number of employees in Denmark: 1-10
Corporate website:
Contact persons
Louise Kraneled
Direct phone: +45 40914344
E-mail address:
Company competencies and services
Area of business
Main competencies
We offer an easy All-in-one SEO tool developed and built in Odense.
★ Keyword research
★ Competitor analysis
★ Backlink monitoring
★ Website health scan (onsite)
★ SEO reports
Description of products and services
Morningscore is a new all-in-one SEO tool that aims to help businesses understand the value of their SEO efforts and make everyday SEO tasks fun. We currently have 900+ paying customers that use our tool.
Our tool is simple for you to use, and yet heavy on data quality. It has all the features you need in an SEO tool, but it is made fun with gamification elements and a user interface that is easy to use.
We have helped a lot of companies on their SEO journey, and will look forward to welcoming you.
If it has any interest you can try our tool for free for 14 days without the need for a credit card, by going to our website ( and putting in your website address. Please state that you find us here, when you sign up, so we can take extra good care of you.
Experience with assisting foreign establishments in Denmark
We have companies from all over the world. Some of them sell their products or provide their services in Denmark.
Company presence in Denmark
We are located in Odene by the canal.
In which countries is your company represented
We are represented in 32 countries worldwide. Primarily Denmark, Germany, and other European countries.
Language Skills
Danish, English & German.