Nextt Management
Dampfærgevej 27-29, 5. sal,
DK-2100 Kbh. Ø
Number of employees in Denmark: 1-10
Corporate website:
Contact persons
Company competencies and services
Area of business
Main competencies
- Interim Management
- CxO Fast track recruitment
- CFO services
- Crisis Management
- Fill key expertise or resource gaps, develop talent and assist with other critical initiatives
Description of products and services
- Nextt Management can help you with Full-Time, Part-Time, Interim Management, or Contact Executives, based on your needs
- We manage a database with 3500+ interim Managers
- All candidates in this database have already been vetted and references have been verified. Saving you time in the screening process.
- We offer you a 10 days guarantee
Experience with assisting foreign establishments in Denmark
Please check cases using this link: Interim management cases
Company presence in Denmark
We have been supplying danish companies in any corner of Denmark with CxO since 2003
In which countries is your company represented
DK – via Senior Management World Wide in another 40+ countries
Language Skills
Danish and English