Public Intelligence
Billedskærervej 17
DK-5230 Odense M
Phone: +45 3070 8593
Number of employees in Denmark: 10-50
Corporate website:
Contact persons
Peter Julius
Direct phone: +45 3070 8593
E-mail address:
Britt Sørensen
Direct phone: +45 3074 1899
E-mail address:
Company competencies and services
Area of business
Consulting service.
Main competencies
Health- and Welfare Innovation, Test of Technologies, Implementation of Technologies and Service Design.
Description of products and services
Public Intelligence is a consultancy that focuses on welfare innovation in Danmark and worldwide. We strive towards creating unique results in a collaboration with citizens, businesses and health professionals, where we work towards creating a better healthcare system in the municipalities and private practices.
• Health and Welfare Innovation projects with the public sector, to create better services for the citizens within health care, social care and other service areas.
• Testing technologies for private sector companies, to create better products and technologies for the market
Experience with assisting foreign establishments in Denmark
We have had collaboration with 10 different countries: Japan, England, Scotland, Germany, France, Sweden, Netherlands, Norway, Iceland and Spain.
Company presence in Denmark
We have our headquarters in Odense.
We have partnership and collaboration with many Danish municipalities.
In which countries is your company represented
Language Skills