Become a Service Provider

To be part of the Service Provider Network, please fill in the form below. The description must be objective and factual descriptions of the company’s services. Furthermore, the descriptions must not involve any form of advertisement. All details and descriptions must be filled out in English. Multiple areas can be chosen, based on the service provider’s main competences.

Invest in Odense reserve the right to not include providers or services that do not relate to the establishment of business in Odense.

    Company information

    Company name*


    Zipcode and city*

    Corporate website*

    Number of employees in Denmark*

    Upload company logo: PNG, JPG or GIF. Maximum file size 2 MB. Picture must be at least 800 pixels wide.

    Contact persons

    Contact person 1

    Contact person 2



    Direct number*

    Direct number

    Mobile number

    Mobile number

    E-mail adress*

    E-mail adress

    Company competencies and services

    Area of business* (Select multiple options by holding down the Ctrl button)

    Main competencies* (Type in a few bullet points...)

    Description of products and services* (Type in detailed information)

    Experience with assisting foreign establishments in Denmark* ((Information about your track record...)

    Company presence in Denmark* (Specify where your company is present)

    In which countries is your company represented*

    Language Skills*

    I have read the Disclaimer and Privacy Policy

    If there should be any difficulty with filling out the form please contact