Denmark Open

The world's second-oldest international badminton tournament taking place in the world's leading robotics city


This year, robots will be serving the world’s top players at Denmark Open. The world’s most renowned cobot arm will deliver the shuttlecock to the players during the semifinals and finals.

Meanwhile, a self-driving mobile robot will carry their bags for them. These robots are some of the world’s most recognized cobots and mobile industrial robots that work alongside humans in daily life, assisting with repetitive and strenuous tasks. For instance, these robots transport blood samples in hospitals, weld, screw, and paint.

Guests will also meet and interact with the robots. Firstly, they will be welcomed by a talking service robot, greeted by a racket-waving robot and, receive programs from a self-driving mobile robot.

They can also compete in a game of ”tic-tac-toe” against a robot similar to the one handing the ball to the players. Guests from the other side of the world can be streamed through a robot and experience Denmark Open without being physically present.


Odense is internationally recognized as one of the world’s leading robotics cities, and this is evident at this year’s Denmark Open. The companies exhibiting their robots at Denmark Open are all part of the thriving robotics cluster in Odense. In Odense, there are more than 160 robotics companies, with over 3,700 employees engaged in the industry in city alone. This is quite impressive considering Odense’s size and population.

You can experience robots from these companies at this year’s Denmark Open:

Universal Robots
Mobile Industrial Robots
Blue Ocean Robotics
Enabled Robotics

Autonomous Units
Odense Robotics
Odense Kommune

Odense – the world’s leading Robotics city

Let’s get in contact

Rasmus Torpegaard Festersen

Investment manager - Robotics & drones 

My drive is to help foreign companies in the robotics, drone, tech and automation industry to establish in Odense and connect them to relevant business partners and opportunities in the City of Odense.  My background is within business, sports and leadership in tech – and my knowledge and network are there to help you.

+45 2492 0903


Mette Falk

Marketing Manager - Invest in Odense

As the Marketing Manager for Invest in Odense, I am passionate about showcasing the strengths and potential our city holds. With a background steeped in marketing and a deep affection for the city of Odense, I am excited to lead initiatives that position Odense as a global hub within our specific strongholds.

+45 2368 8982
