360 Law Firm

Lautrupsgade 7,
2100 København Ø

Number of employees in Denmark: 10-50
Corporate website: www.360-lawfirm.com

Contact persons

Kim Hove Thomsen
Direct phone: +45 2574 4009
E-mail address:kht@360-lawfirm.com

Ulrik Fleischer-Michaelsen
Direct phone: +45 2524 5137
E-mail address:kht@360-lawfirm.com

Company competencies and services

Area of business


Main competencies

Corporate and tax structure,
Public procurement and construction,
Drone and robotics, incl. GDPR and IT,
Venture, M&A, Funding,
Litigation & Arbitration

Description of products and services

360 Law Firm is an international law firm that advise on both Danish and foreign legal issues and handle all cross-border matters.

Experience with assisting foreign establishments in Denmark

For over 20 years our lawyers have cooperated with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Invest in Denmark, and have assisted many foreign corporations establishing and expanding in Denmark and internationally.

Company presence in Denmark

Copenhagen, Odense

In which countries is your company represented

Denmark, Spain, France and Italy

Language Skills

360 Law firm is a multilingual law firm with dual qualified attorneys holding both Danish, Spanish and Italian bar admissions