
Diplomvej 381
2800 Lyngby

Number of employees in Denmark: 1.10.
Corporate website:

Contact persons

Kenneth Helmer Larsen
Direct number: +45 8870 8700
Mobile number: +45 2425 1744
E-mail address:

Jan Rosenbom
Direct number: +45 8870 8700
Mobile number: +45 4014 6618
E-mail address:

Company competencies and services

Area of business

Banking, finances and leasing services

Main competencies

Keystones was established in 2001 with the purpose of matching innovative start-ups raising with investors. Our backgrounds are technical and commercial combined with international experience from trade, industry and consultancies.

Description of products and services

We offer services within investor matchmaking i Denmark, business models and business plans.

Experience with assisting foreign establishments in Denmark

We have assisted a high number of foreign entrepreneurs that have founded start-ups in Denmark.

Company presence in Denmark

We are located in the science park Scion-DTU north of Copenhagen, Diplomvej 381.

In which countries is your company represented

Only in Denmark

Language Skills

English and Danish