
Rugårdsvej, 555A 1tv
5000, Odense C

Number of employees in Denmark: 10-50
Corporate website:

Contact persons

Mathias Mide
Direct phone: +45 71995530

Company competencies and services

Area of business


Main competencies

• Business strategy and consulting
• Digital design
• Programming
• Online marketing

Description of products and services

Morningtrain is a full-service digital agency for those that are ready to take their business to the next level.

Our services are built for short- and long-term growth and to scale your business.

We provide services such as developing and designing amazing websites, programming customized systems, and digital marketing focusing on lead generation. We work with a lot of different clients within service, culture, education, and industry.

Experience with assisting foreign establishments in Denmark

Our portfolio spans from multinational corporations to the ambitious local business owner.

Company presence in Denmark

Our HQ is in Odense, but our clients can also meet us in Aarhus and Copenhagen.

In which countries is your company represented


Language Skills

Danish & English