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Nykredit A/S

Munkebjergvænget 1,

5230 Odense M

Number of employees in Denmark: 1000+
Corporate website:

Contact persons

Lars Holm
Direct number: +45 4455 3045
Mobile number: +45 2367 4991
E-mail address:

Company competencies and services

Area of business

Banking, finances and leasing services, Real estate.

Main competencies

In Corporate Banking we focus on:
• A local set-up with respect and understanding of the international structures
• Our customers have one point of entry to Nykredit markets in respect of pricing, credit facilities, framework agreements.

Description of products and services

Nykredit offers all products and services which you can expect of a full retail service bank in a domestic market including
• Account and payment products
• Cash management products and services
• Office banking systems
• Trade Finance
• FX and interest hedging
• Credit facilities such as liquidity facilities, term loans etc.
Furthermore, we offer
• Most types of leasing via Nykredit Leasing
• Access to letting, selling and buying property via or real estate through Nybolig or Etaste
• Mortgages

Being corporate customer with Nykredit you get a dedicated relationship manager who is your “one point of entry” to the bank. All relationship managers have an extensive network of specialists to ensure that the right competences are always available for you, such as
• Cash managers
• Investment advisors
• FX and interest rate advisors
• Mortgage specialists.

Experience with assisting foreign establishments in Denmark

In Nykredit we have thorough knowledge about international companies that both are active locally and who are new to the country. Being the largest lender in Denmark we also serve a large number of international corporates and their subsidiaries in Denmark.
We are used to working with international documents, procedures and know how they can be applied in order to get a bank relationship up and running in Denmark.

Company presence in Denmark

We are present all over Denmark, on Funen we are present in Odense, Nyborg, Svendborg and Middelfart.

In which countries is your company represented

Denmark and Spain.

Language Skills

English, German, Scandinavian.