international drone show

Get insights about the UAS Denmark Testcenter and drone industry from thought leaders in the business and learn about future drone applications
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Do you want to get the latest, unique insights from the drone industry?

Join Gateway to Europe and International drone show 2024

Do you want to experience the latest technologies within drones? At the International Drone Show 2024, you will be able to watch drones in action and hear talks from some of the biggest players in Europe’s drone industry. Furthermore, there will be great networking opportunities at both the International Drone Show on the 29th of May and at Gateway to Europe on the 28th of May.

The International Drone Show in HCA Airport provides unique opportunities for meeting both drone companies, but also for end users from Denmark and abroad to discuss the latest drone innovations and explore new application potential.

The annual conference attracts a great number of visitors, and the possibility of watching live demos attracted more than 300 guests in 2023. By participating in the event at HCA Airport, you will be able to gain new insights from researchers, developers, and end users on a great number of key topics.

Read more about either of the events below.


International Drone Show in the city of Odense

The International Drone Show is one of Northern Europe’s largest drone industry events, which is held in Odense, Denmark every year. Gain new drone business insights and research knowledge while meeting and networking with international, private, and public drone stakeholders from the industry.

At the Drone Show you can enjoy: Themed conference presentation, insight into new technology and the use of drones, Inspiring lectures and panel debates from experts, A large exhibition within drone technology, B2B business meetings (booked in advance and held at the drone show), Lots of networking (before, during and after the event). 

In collaboration with Odense Robotics and UAS Denmark Testcenter, the organizers of the International Drone Show, we can offer you participation in the event at a “member price” of up to DKK 895 excl. VAT.


Gateway to Europe in the city of Odense

Are you an international company consindering doing business in the city of Odense? On the 28th of August – the day before International Drone Show – you will have the opportunity to meet stakeholders from the drone industry and kick-start your collaboration with the Danish drone industry at Gateway to Europe, hosted in the city of Odense. You will get the latest insights from the Danish ecosystem, and you will get the chance to learn about how easy it is to set up a business in Denmark.

Gateway to Europe will take place the day before The International Drone Show so take advantage of this unique possibility to get insights about the UAS and drone industry from thought leaders in the business and learn about the future of drones.

Join the INTErnational Drone Show on the 29th of May, 2024

In September 2022, the annual International Drone Show took place at Hans Christian Andersen Airport. With over 300 guests, 30 exhibitors, both Danish and International, the day was a huge success.

Take a look at the video from the previous year and sign up for the International Drone Show 2024. 

Want to exhibit at the show?

The international Drone Show is a chance for your organization to showcase your product/technology/service etc. gaining you the possibility to be noticed by governmental stakeholders or business or research participants at the show. 

At the International Drone Show 2023 our exhibition featured 29 companies and 400 industry stakeholders who visited the exhibition and conference. 

Join the pre-event ‘Gateway to Europe’ on the 28th of May, 2024

Are you an international company interested in locating your business in Odense? Join us at Gateway to Europe to get the latest and unique insights into the Danish ecosystem for Drones. You will be able to explore how Denmark and Odense have become the center of highly skilled labor within both SW and HW, and much more.

HCA Airport – a unique location for drone companies

As one of the only test centers in Europe UAS Denmark combines the unique elements of a BVLOS with manned aviation. Furthermore, Denmark has a fast approval process and drone labs with the presence of Europes leading robotics university, SDU – University of Southern Denmark.

Valued partners

aLMOST 1 billion USD has been invested in Odense robotics and drone companies

In Odense, the key elements to a thriving robotics and drone industry are united: economy, expertise, capacity. As the world’s leading cobot hub with an excellent startup environment, a huge national cluster, academic centers, and advanced education possibilities including Odinskolen – an elementary school that aims to be the world’s best robotics school for children – the city is one of the world’s top locations for robotics and automation activities, currently the home for +162 companies within this rapidly growing industry.

A unique Triple Helix collab

As of 2023, almost 1 billion USD has been invested in Odense robotics and drone companies. The collaboration between local government (the City of Odense), knowledge institutions, and industry representatives makes for a rare, innovative ecosystem matched by few other cities in the world.

Let’s get in contact

Rasmus Torpegaard Festersen

Investment manager - Robotics & drones 

My drive is to help foreign companies in the robotics, drone, tech and automation industry to establish in Odense and connect them to relevant business partners and opportunities in the City of Odense.  My background is within business, sports and leadership in tech – and my knowledge and network are there to help you.

+45 2492 0903


Anders Boe-Hansen

Special Consultant - Offshore & Campus

I draw on cross-sectorial experience from dealing both with public sector and private commercial interests on the global maritime scene. In relation to Port of Odense and green growth and transition, I assist companies with connecting collaborating, and creating under the most optimal conditions. I additionally manage and coordinate the development and area transition of Campus Odense - aiming for Campus to become a world-leading hub for citizens, companies, and higher education.

+45 2037 2319
