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Patentgruppen A/S

Åboulevarden 31, 4. sal
DK-8000 Århus
Phone: +45 86192000

Number of employees in Denmark: 10-50.
Corporate website:

Contact persons

Ulrich G. Bærentsen
Direct phone: +45 41890508
E-mail address:

Company competencies and services

Area of business

Consulting service, legal.

Main competencies

Patent strategy
Harvesting innovative ideas
Commercialisation of patents
IP for start-up’s
Utility models
IP search and analysis (novelty search, Freedom-to-operate etc.)

Description of products and services


Patentgruppen provides counselling on all matters of IPR (Intellectual Property Rights), i.e. on all matters relating to patents, utility models and designs. Patentgruppen wants to simplify the client’s ways to protect his business, products and innovation through a proactive and strategic approach to IPR. By working as a team, we will let you exploit our expertise both as regards IPR and technical knowledge. We will work as a team not only internally in Patentgruppen but also with our clients. No matter who you are or which requirements you have for either technical counselling or IPR knowledge, we will proactively match your needs. We see ourselves as an important partner to our clients, and we take pride in the job, we do.

Experience with assisting foreign establishments in Denmark

Patentgruppen A/S is based in Denmark but we help clients on an international scale with the protection of their innovation.

Company presence in Denmark

Århus and Copenhagen.

In which countries is your company represented


Language Skills

English, Danish, German, Swedish and Norwegian.