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New robotics initiative set to keep Denmark at the forefront of technology

Jun 26, 2024 | Articles, cases, Entrepreneurs and startup environment, News, News from the city of Odense, Press Releases, Robotics and Drones, Seed and Venture Capital

To remain competitive in the future, Danish companies need innovative robotic solutions. Startups are a key source of these solutions, but many lack the support necessary to develop their technology, scale their businesses, and turn good ideas into successful ventures. A new accelerator program, backed by 9 million Danish kroner from the Danish Industry Foundation, will now address this challenge and help emerging robotics companies thrive.

Foundation to Support Growth of Robotics Startups

The Danish Industry Foundation emphasizes the importance of enhancing robotics innovation in Denmark, advocating for the initiation of this process within the nation’s robust incubation ecosystems.

“Robotics and drone entrepreneurs in Denmark have a massive growth potential and can contribute towards increasing automation in Danish industry. But they lack the resources to fully develop their solutions and transform their businesses into high-growth ventures. Startups hold the keys to new solutions and technologies that will create growth and jobs in Denmark in the future, and we want to help unlock that potential. That is why we are now giving innovation and growth of robotics startups an extra boost.”

Thomas Hofman-Bang

CEO, Danish Industry Foundation

The foundation to the Danish robotics cluster on 9 million Danish kroners, is going to expedite the growth of robotics and drone startups within Denmark and to attract skilled startups internationally. The accelerator program will be extended to startups chosen by both the Odense Robotics StartUp Fund and the renowned incubator at the Danish Technological Institute in Odense. Selected startups will receive support to enhance their business and technology capabilities, while also integrating into the thriving ecosystem surrounding Odense Robotics.

“Deep tech is unlike other technologies. The development process is long and costly, and the path to market is complex. With support from the Danish Industry Foundation, we can now provide robotics and drone startups with even better support and truly accelerate their development.”

Søren Elmer Kristensen

CEO, Odense Robotics

“It is crucial for Denmark’s competitiveness that we accelerate technological innovation. This means making the journey from idea to market-ready technology easier for emerging entrepreneurs. We are therefore pleased that the Danish Industry Foundation is enabling us to expand our support for startups by leveraging our specialists and robotic innovation facilities to advance and accelerate the future of robotics and drone technologies.”

Anne-Lise Høg Lejre

Director, Danish Technological Institute

Odense Investor Summit 2024.

Robotic Advancements Fueling Growth in the Danish Economy

The Danish robotics sector has gained worldwide recognition, with numerous successful robotics firms either wholly or partially acquired by international entities. This has fostered a distinctive robotics ecosystem in and around Odense, where entrepreneurs, investors, and local enthusiasts collaborate to propel innovation and channel previous successes into fresh endeavors.

To fortify and solidify the innovation and growth initiatives within Denmark’s robotics landscape, the Odense Robotics StartUp Fund has been established. Supported by key figures from Denmark’s robotics industry, various foundations, and some of the nation’s largest industrial firms, this fund aims to invest in robotics entrepreneurship, foreseeing its potential as a significant catalyst for the Danish economy in the years ahead.

The grant from the Danish Industry Foundation will not only accelerate numerous robotics entrepreneurs but also bolster the Odense Robotics StartUp Fund, enabling it to expand, attain self-sustainability, and serve as the cornerstone for a sustainable entrepreneurial environment where capital is continually reinvested.

Further information

Rasmus Torpegaard Festersen

Investment manager - Robotics & drones 

My drive is to help foreign companies in the robotics, drone, tech and automation industry to establish in Odense and connect them to relevant business partners and opportunities in the City of Odense.  My background is within business, sports and leadership in tech – and my knowledge and network are there to help you.

+45 2492 0903
