BDO Statsautoriseret Revisionsaktieselskab
Fælledvej 1
5000 Odense C
Number of employees in Denmark: 1000+
Corporate website:
Contact persons
Anders Schweitz Jensen
Direct number: +45 6312 7133
Mobile number: +45 4189 0002
E-mail address:
Michaela Beeck
Direct number: +45 6312 7159
Mobile number: +45 4189 0233
E-mail address:
Company competencies and services
Area of business
Accounting and accounting service, Company administration, Consulting service.
Main competencies
Etablishing a company
Administrative services
Book-keeping and accounting
Corporate Finans and transactions
Pro-active Sparring
Advising regarding capital structure
Description of products and services
Get a head start and a stable future development – with sound advice from BDO
The tech industry is developing rapidly demanding extraordinary adaptability and a deep knowledge of the current state and challenges of the sector. At BDO we are highly committed to the tech industry, and our sector specialists have gained important and deep economic insights in the various development stages – startups as well as more mature and established companies. We are always ready to discuss how we can help you and your company getting off to a head start and a stable future development.
Experience with assisting foreign establishments in Denmark
Our auditors have been assisting several companies ind the tech- and robotic industry, including On Robot ApS, Universal Robots A/S, a coming robotic company (name not public yet) etc. BDO has established a cooperation with UAS Testcenter Denmark in order to help and support companies within the UAS-cluster getting a head start in Denmark. Furthermore we have a cooperation with Cortex Lab at University of Southern Denmark in order to help and support start-ups.
Company presence in Denmark
BDO has offices in 30 Danish locations and an office in Greenland. We are more than 1,100 employees including more than 120 state authorized public accountants. Please ref. to for locations
In which countries is your company represented
BDO International is one of the world’s largest accounting networks, represented in 154 countries worldwide with more than 1,400 offices. We are more than 64,000 employees.
Language Skills
We can help people from all over the world getting established in Denmark. We speak both English and German.